As the weather gets colder, and I get more and more chilly every day...i'm reminded just how much I hate the winter. Last year, I was massively pregnant around this time and the cold didn't bother me all that much. Now that Sophie is on the
outside, I find myself freezing even if the thermostat is cranked up as high as Luis will let me set it. So this week, i'm thankful for the little things that make winter more comfy for me.
My Husband:
Luis is amazing this time of year. He used to side-eye me as I shivered, but all it took was putting my cold fingers on his neck one time for him to realize that I wasn't just playing around. I have low blood circulation due to my heart, so everyone else will be comfy in shorts and i'll have a sweater on. He's learned to go with the flow and I am so grateful that he is in my life to cuddle me or offer a jacket when everyone else is rolling their eyes.
The Keurig

This machine was and still continues to be the best investment ever . I can't drink a lot of caffeine so it's wasteful to make straight pots of coffee and having to throw them out at the end of the day was flinch-worthy. With this baby, I can make a cup at a time and even use a travel mug to bring it with me on the way to work in the morning. My newest favorite thing to do is to dump a pack of hot chocolate mix in the bottom of my favorite mug and then brew a cup right over it. I don't need to add sugar and it tastes just like a mocha. Yum.
My collection of blankets
Everyone made fun of my plethora of blankets until one winter when we had an ice storm and the power was out for 2 weeks in the middle of winter. Then our heat broke at our apartment in Richmond, so we used them again. I love having them around to curl up in after Sophie has gone to bed. They also come in handy when i'm making mini-forts for her to crawl through too ;)
My teapot and loose-leaf tea.

There is nothing better then having a fresh pot of tea brewing, especially when it comes from an actual teapot. I love me some sweet tea and tea bags...but there's nothing like loose tea and the herbal, fruity smells that seep up as it's brewing. I can start it while i'm doing dishes and then have it to look forward to when I curl up with a book.
My Grandmother's quilt.

pardon the horrible pictures...but I love my Grandmother's quilt. My grandma gave it to my parents when they got married, it's called a 'wedding ring quilt'. My mom kept it safe and passed it down to Luis and I when we got married. It's so thick and comfortable and I feel so safe and warm at night.
Cuddly babies and warm winter jackets.

Sophie is modeling her (my) favorite jacket. How can you
not feel cuddly when seeing her in the warm fleece jacket and pants? I love dressing her up all warm and bundling up and heading outside for the day.

Seren is the ultimate purr machine. She searches me out after Sophie is in bed and immediately curls up in my lap. I can feel her purrs radiating through my legs and she always falls asleep. Nothing like a purr-baby =)
We struggle through winter in this house...but these few things make it go by a little bit quicker, and i'm grateful for that. Wish me luck this year as I forge ahead with an outside baby and remember just how cold it can get.
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